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Adding to Your Media Kit

There is a lot of competition out there in the publishing world. What are you doing to get the attention of those who might help you? We all go to book signings, conferences, give out bookmarks and other swag to draw attention to our work. Those things, even though they’re helpful, might not draw in the numbers of new readers and fans you hoped. Let’s talk about one more element of your media kit.

Book Synopsis

When you decide to become a published author, there are a number of things you will want in your media kit. One of those should be the evil and dreaded book synopsis. I feel like the doink-doink tone from Law & Order should have just played. Wait for it…nope. I don’t think it will play.  Anyway. this is important on a variety of levels. I’ve listed the kinds you should consider in different lengths. Here is some points to ponder.

  1. Write them in third person.
  2. Write them in four different lengths: a two-line summary, short, medium and long.
  3. When writing the synopsis consider the full scope of the book.
  4. What your book has to offer? Entertainment, thrills, survival techniques, inner peace?
  5. What are the most compelling parts of the story?
  6. What niche does your book fit?
  7. Create short and direct sentences appropriate for any audience.

2-line Summary:  140 characters 

This short summary can be used with reviews or articles. Concentrate on your book’s strongest story lines.  What kind of reader are you trying to attract? You’ve done this with Twitter!

Short Synopsis: 50 words 

  1. Ideal to accompany with your book cover.
  2. Great to go with your website and blog. Don’t forget other media outlets.
  3. Include some of the most important elements.

Medium Synopsis: 100 words  

  1. Add details to what you wrote in the short synopsis. You want more of the content to shine so you’ll draw attention to your work.
  2. Need an example? Look at the back of a DVD that describes a movie.

Long Synopsis:  400 to 600 words

  1. Now you can give readers a good overview of your book.
  2. Don’t forget the story line
  3. Where does it fit? Fiction genre or non-fiction shelf.
  4. Positive reviews or awards can be mentioned or shared here. Don’t overdo it. 
  5. Now you can give readers a good overview of your book.

Some Points of Interest about the Book’s Content or Story

  1. Something of interest about your journey to write the book. It could be how you discovered the story and it came to life.
  2. Generate enough interesting points that a journalist, radio host, conference coordinator might like to use in their introduction of you. It might be this idea that gets you a guest spot on a morning local news program. The bonus would be getting someone new to read your work.
  3. Consider what makes your book unique to make it stand out among the hundreds or thousands of books just released.
  4. What is compelling about your book?
  5. Does it solve problems?
  6. Who will want your book?
  7. Remember people are busy and these interesting points may be all a person has time to read.
  8. You can use these as a sidebar so make them sharp and snappy.



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