Lipstick & Danger

My Blog

The Real You

As writers it’s often times difficult for us to share our personal lives with our readers. As a rule we are private individuals that love to reinvent ourselves through our creations. Revealing the real you is sometimes intimidating. I have come to realize when I latch onto an author I can’t get enough of, I want to know what makes them tick. How is their life inspiring them day to day? When I see an interview in a writing magazine, TV news show or Facebook post concerning one of them I make sure I read it. It gives me another kind of connection. I’ve even had a couple of them send me a little note of thanks. When I speak to an audience they generally ask personal questions that tie in with my writing. Afterwards I realize that now they are even more curious about what I write.

Needless to say you should be careful when you are online. Don’t share things that have people knocking at your door or worse, sneaking into your house when you’re gone. Don’t share inappropriate material. Watch your mouth. After all you are an educated writer that should have a better grasp of the English language.

Share pictures of things you like to do. I love those pictures of family gatherings, vacations and hobbies. Today two of my favorite authors posted pictures of their weather. A connection I’m experiencing along with them.  Let people know you have a life that continually inspires you to write.

So having said that I’m going to post a few pictures of things I’ve done in recent years. I draw from these experiences to write and express myself.

0 Responses

  1. It is interesting to decide what to share and what not to share with readers. I like to talk about my dogs, because pets seem to be a universal way to relate to people.

  2. I agree. I love profiles about authors and celebrities. Little real-life tidbits.

    Your pictures are amazing! You've led a cool life with tons of material for books!!!

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